Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Search me

The vagaries of the blogosphere probably amuse no one but me anymore, but I'm still pretty new to this - you'll have to bear with me.

By a wide margin the three search terms that have most often led wandering fingers here are as follows:

3. Calrton Hill
2. Thera-Flu
1. Stephen Colbert

I'm aware that the more obscure the subject the more likely that someone will happen upon this site (which is why these subjects have attracted more hits than searches for, say, a
topless Jennifer Aniston. I'd imagine in order to increase hits related to that topic I'd also have to include salacious terminology related to things people would like to do or see done to Ms. Aniston. I'm not that desperate). Still I can't help but wonder precisely what information those searching for Thera-Flu were after. I can only hope that if they were searching for suggestions on a suitable generic brand replacement for Thera-Flu, they heeded my warning.

Posted by Joel at 1/04/2006 10:50:00 PM