Friday, December 16, 2005

Focus, ye prudes

My hair will never leave me for another woman.

The hubbub over the latest round of paparazzi photos of a topless Jennifer Aniston has reminded me of something only vaguely related.

A month or so ago I was dialing around the digital cable when I noticed
The Good Girl was on the Joanna Kerns Channel. I had seen the movie long before and had enjoyed it, so I thought I'd tune in and see how it did on repeat viewing.

To summarize ever so briefly, Aniston plays a married woman who has a brief affair with a younger co-worker. The scene of their first dalliance, although played mostly bittersweet laughs, is graphic enough to have helped the movie earn an R rating. The sex is fairly vigorous, with clumsily forceful movement and some moaning from Ms. Aniston. A sheet covers them from the waist down, but you do get a few fleeting glimpses of her nipple, although the angle, lighting and brevity of the shots make it just as likely that it's shadow or maybe a bug. The scene is key to both the plot and the overall mood of the movie, so I was curious to see how the censors would handle it.

The entire scene aired in its entirety. But before you start applauding Lifetime for bucking the puritanical trends, I should mention that they did blur out her maybe-nipple. In other words, if it is indeed the children we're trying to protect: Hump like bunnies, but keep your top on.

It's quickly dawning on me that this post is going to inspire more search engine hits than any other (Stephen Colbert searches being the most common to this point), and that most of those people will very quickly click back and not come back. I am going to disappoint a lot of Joanna Kerns fans.

Posted by Joel at 12/16/2005 11:45:00 PM