Friday, December 23, 2005

Will the fighting ever stop?

This Christmas boondoggle is getting worse every day. Not even the Biblical traditions of Santa Claus are safe.

Broadcast network UPN's "Everybody Hates Chris" recently aired an episode in which a character told his younger sister that Santa Claus was a fake.

Everybody knows there's no Santa Claus. Come here, let me show you something. I'm taking you to the toys ... Santa doesn't come down the chimney. We don't even have a chimney. We have radiators.

Sharp writing aside, UPN received some complaints about the line. Apparently parents aren't about to have television make liars out of them by filling their children with crazy notions about Santa's mythical nature.

"My wife told him it was just a TV show and to ignore it," show co-creator Ali LeRoi said. "It worked. He believes her. Kids trust their parents that way."

Maybe it was that my parents thankfully never tried to pull this one on me, but I am very sure that at the age of six Santa Claus' existence was never part of my belief system. And yet to this day I am able to enjoy Christmas to its fullest extent, minus Manheim Steamroller which isn't really music at all.

On the show, young Tonya becomes a lot more cynical. Her mother explains that Santa Claus is a symbol and asks: "So you do understand?"
"Yeah," the girl replies. "It's OK to lie."

Pretty good stuff. I may have to start watching this show.

Posted by Joel at 12/23/2005 02:55:00 AM