Sunday, December 18, 2005

Bush: blah blah blah

The White House ran another rerun of that same Bush speech from the last six years. I think it might have been a director's cut, because I did think I noticed a few deleted lines: things about "responsibility," which I know I haven't heard before. And like most deleted scenes, they added nothing to the overall story.

I did with another of Bush's recent speeches, I'm not sure there's much to be said (certainly not anything that wasn't already said by other area bloggers).

One particularly ironic line did catch my attention:

We continue to see violence and suffering, caused by an enemy that is determined and brutal -- unconstrained by conscience or the rules of war.

To borrow a line from Friends: Oh, hello, kettle? This is the President. You're black (I certainly make a case for my political commentary to be taken seriously when I quote NBC sitcoms).

Oh that's right -
We do not torture.

This is what the critics of Bush's critics don't seem to understand. We do want America to succeed. That's precisely why we don't want this guy running the show. How can we expect anyone to listen when we are so two-faced in everything we say/do? This is all about perception. So this war is about sacrifice? Why didn't we sacrifice Rummy after the Abu-Ghraib disaster? Do you really think prosecuting a couple of grunts was going to make us look like we were sorry? Heck, I don't care if it really was just a couple of loose cannons - and I don't believe that for one second. Firing Rumsfeld would send a message to critics and to the world that we were trying to change.

I say were because it's probably too late. Much like everything else around Washington these days - that's you too, Democrats. If you acted sooner than months before you just toss words around, we might actually believe you. Taking responsibility now, especially in a back-handed way, means positively nothing - it's just sandbagging.

Posted by Joel at 12/18/2005 11:00:00 PM