Wednesday, December 28, 2005

FL governor's race e-mail newsletter update

Still nothing from either Gop candidate, although Charlie Crist's campaign has apparently been busy sending spam. Did I do something?

Rod Smith has sent two messages, although the second one was simply to correct a mistake in the first one, referring to "former Republican Governor Mel Martinez" (try Bob, Rod).

Jim Davis' e-mails, like most episodes of "Will and Grace," are quite cameo-laden. I had already received a message from Bob Graham; we can now add Rhea Chiles (widow, not adopted daughter) and Jennifer O'Malley Davis, who lamely suggested that a donation to the campaign would be the perfect Christmas present - "no assembly required."

Extra points to Davis for the lovely Christmas card.

Perfect Christmas present? How about shoes and sunglasses?

Posted by Joel at 12/28/2005 09:27:00 PM