Sunday, December 25, 2005

Web design for web design's sake

Second only to the Musee D'Orsay in Paris (see my header), the Design Museum in London was my favorite museum experience from our honeymoon, and we are big museum-hoppers - I figure at least fourteen during the two weeks we spent in Paris, London and Barcelona. Certainly the modern feel of the place was a welcome respite from all the antiquities and masters we saw the rest of the time. Formula One cars, Tomb Raider, rock albums, coffeemakers - they had it all in a stylish building along the Thames near the very antique Tower Bridge.

One of the first three links I ever included here was
Nobody Here, which was featured at the Design Museum. I checked it out again recently. It's not an open-ended affair - more of a permanent art installation piece. You can get lost in there, but it's a blast.

Run the mouse cursor over each link along the top of the page and watch the man at the computer go into action. You can download your own fish cursor - there are a lot of fish. The E-cards are fun, particularly the disturbing
tweezer card.

My favorite feature is the stream of consciousness to the right of the man at the computer. Click each word and the absurdism grows deeper, funnier and yet still more confounding. Short-short stories, more fun with Flash, positively bizarre photo doctoring - it's probably what a Bunuel/Dali collaboration would look like today, only without the prevailing sexual obsession.

Posted by Joel at 12/25/2005 01:03:00 AM