Monday, January 30, 2006

Making Blogger work for you

Any regular readers - I'll reign in my self-deprecation for a change, as it does seem like I have a few of those - that actually made it through my last post - oops - may have noticed something wacky going on at the end. Thanks to the fine folks at FreshBlog and ecmanaut I have fashioned something like categories.

After briefly entertaining the idea of ditching Blogger and finding a host to use with WordPress, I quickly came to my senses and remembered how much I like free things, as well as how little I enjoy the technical aspect of this blogging thing. Blogger is free so it stays for now, especially now that I've found a way around one of its limitations - its lack of support for categories and tags.

Best of all the hack is positively me-proof. I downloaded the Firefox extension Greasemonkey, added a script that tweaks Blogger's posting program, and that was it. Each post only requires a few extra seconds' worth of clicking now, and I have categories.

The minor OCD in me requires that I categorize my prior posts at some point, but I've already exceeded my tech accomplishments limit for the day. Maybe I'll fire up the Xbox.

I be like Wendell Berry how I know the dark
It's just me and the moon in the forest park

Northern State, "Trinity"

More of the same:

Posted by Joel at 1/30/2006 11:48:00 PM