Wednesday, November 09, 2005

More non-insight into Florida gov. election

Don't forget to tip your candidate.

In the spirit of equal time, I browsed Tom Gallagher's campaign website in the hopes of finding some odd pictures or other irrelevant stimuli to pick apart.

He's just not that creepy.

I did learn a few things, actually. I like to consider myself moderately savvy in the ways of politics, but I had no idea that among the duties involved in Gallagher's catch-all position of state CFO is
State Fire Marshall. Oh if only his name was Bill. Well, I must say that my home has not caught fire, so he's obviously getting the job done.

As for his wife, Laura, I
learned that she is Chairman AND CEO (it's quite the renaissance family) of the North Florida Ladies Prayer Brunch. I'm pretty sure that means she brings the cantaloupe.

Seriously, look at this family. It's so vanilla. I got nothin'. The wife even seems nice, but not creepy Laura Bush-Stepford Wife-telling horse milking jokes nice. I may have to look at the issues. Hopefully he'll pose for a ridiculous photo-op that will make this decision much easier.

Ah, those were the days.

I don't understand
Jackie Susann meant it that way

- X, "Adult Books"

Posted by Joel at 11/09/2005 11:19:00 PM