Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Crashing the blogosphere

So apparently someone at Florida Politics decided that my own little labyrinthine contribution to the blogosphere was worthy of highlighting as a new blog. I'll choose to not consider the reason - let's call it curiosity. Anyway the site itself is quite fantastic, so the mention is flattering.

For those that have not or could not read past postings, I feel it my civic duty to inform any visitors that my next blog topic is just as likely to be my latest visit to the gas station or the culinary magic of shallots than anything political. I just don't have the energy to consider the myriad ways our political system amazes me (sometimes positively, I will admit) on a daily basis. You've been warned.

But seriously, shallots are a fantastic addition to any recipe.

Posted by Joel at 11/02/2005 01:05:00 PM