Sunday, November 06, 2005

Crashing the blogosphere, Part II

I might have to get what mileage I still can from my self-deprecating jokes about this being a blog for myself alone. First my blog was highlighted on Florida Politics, I'm assuming on the strength of a rather reactionary post about the closed session of the Senate called for by Harry Reid (and not, I'm also assuming, on the strength of just about everything else I've posted). That led to a startling amount of page visits linked from that particular blog.

...BEEHO (what an unfortunate acronym) has now seen an uptick in visits from
Sticks of Fire. You see, Tommy over at SoF joined whoever exactly at Florida Politics in deciding that there's something worthwhile about my ramblings - he asked me if I was interested in contributing to Tampa's super-blog. And so I said yes. I've already had two postings; one an introduction of sorts, the other about my recent visit to and subsequent endorsement of the USF Contemporary Art Museum. From the introduction came more visits. About 20% of my now 500 page visits since August 28 have come in the last week.

So now what? I feel like I have to actually provide something in the way of substance. Everything was all fish and chips when the blog only stood to be exposed to myself and the occasional Blogger user that clicks "next blog." Now people might actually be visiting in hopes of reading something interesting/funny/insightful/thought-provoking. And worse, these people live in this state, in this city. God forbid they might be people I encounter from time to time. Neighbors. The horror. Some of them may at some point have lived in Cincinnati.

I'll get over it. It means nothing. If anything, the fact that I'll now feel compelled to provide true interest over at SoF (I can crap all over this blog, but I won't be sullying Tommy's hard work) should provide me with more freedom to do whatever I please here. It's like I'm
Mike Patton, SoF is Faith No More, and this is Mr. Bungle. No, there is no better analogy.

In all seriousness, I am terribly flattered that I've been given this opportunity to contribute to the wonderful blog community that exists in this area. And most of all, I have a blast doing it.

Bye-bye, boy, run to your mother

- Franz Ferdinand, "This Boy"

Posted by Joel at 11/06/2005 09:45:00 PM