Sunday, October 23, 2005


I really wish Wilma would just make landfall already. Maybe my eagerness is most apparent because it doesn't have to break through as much anxiety as it does for those in South Florida. It just seems to me like we've known this thing was going to hit exactly where it's going for the last several months (kudos to the forecasters that have been pretty solid on the track of this storm, even if the timing has been difficult to predict). It's certainly disconcerting that with every hour past, Wilma doesn't seem to be weakening like everyone thought. Hopefully everyone has taken advantage of the lengthy preparation time and is ready for whatever happens.

Fortunately SW Florida is fairly unpopulated between the Keys and the Naples area - it's mostly Everglades. And as we learned from Katrina, those wetlands are essential to preventing flooding. That's yet another example of why we shouldn't crap all over our environment. Want another? It's hard to imagine how man's impact on our environment could make an earthquake worst, but here's

These commercials for the Christian Children's Fund are something else. Surely you're not an evil, soulless being to deny this sad child a life. Don't change that channel. Get on the phone, call this number, then go out and sell your telephone and television so you can sponsor more children. You selfish ogre! Swine! Why are you still watching me exploit the misery of these children?

I need to stop watching TV this late.

Lies and betrayal
Fruit-covered nails
Electricity and lust
Won't break the door

- Pavement, "Trigger Cut"

Posted by Joel at 10/23/2005 10:42:00 PM