Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sissy fight

Maybe it's too early in the race for the gloves to come off, but I am rather disappointed in what is passing for mudslinging in the race for the GOP governor nomination.

Here's what Tom Gallagher
had to say about Charlie Crist today:

Charlie Crist is a very nice guy. He's probably one of the nicest guys around and he does a good job of communicating issues ... that are important to his office. I don't think he's ready to be governor.

What a bastard.

Could it be that both campaigns know that a dirty fight will not help the eventual nominee defeat the Democrats? Nah. Give them some time.

But wait: the Dems are finding it hard to drum up the gumption to get dirty, too. Jim Davis and Rod Smith
had a debate at Florida International University in Miami. Both apparently saved their mud for the GOP.

I'd say Smith and Davis stand to lose more from an ugly race. Give a listen to Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly or anyone else of that persuasion and you quickly see that mudslinging is the GOP's favorite sport - after guns, that is. As long as the candidate is smearing someone's good name, fellow party member or otherwise, everyone is happy (the left just uses the media for their smearing -
right, Bill?).

And don't think I've forgotten, GOP; I'm still
waiting for my e-mails.

Tonight's post summary: Florida politics, customer theft, kidney stones. I continute to ignore all conventional wisdom about blogs sticking to at least a general theme. Just the way I like it.

Posted by Joel at 1/18/2006 11:53:00 PM