Tuesday, October 18, 2005

An Irish man in desperate need of a beer

There are really only two conclusions I can draw from Bill O'Reilly's appearance on The Daily Show:

1. O'Reilly is the single most humorless person in media, and at least the fourth most humorless person on FoxNews (seriously, what's wrong with Brit Hume's mouth?).

2. He simply cannot drop the righteous truthmonger act, and in fact only chose to appear on the show to show America that he is the only one who truly cares about our terrible plight.

Oh, wait, I forgot my other conclusion:

3. He's just not getting enough phone sex lately.

It's probably an even combination of all three.

What was so wonderfully bizarre about the train wreck of an "interview" is that everyone is going to claim victory. Fans of Stewart will have their opinion of O'Reilly and his ilk solidified: self-righteous, self-important, humorless blowhard who are too busy with their heads so far up the White House's plumbing that they don't realize that our great nation is in trouble. Fans of O'Reilly will have their opinion of Stewart and his ilk solidified: America-hating, immature, clueless liberal babies who are to busy getting high and giggling to realize that our great nation is in trouble. Well at least they have that.

Doesn't O'Reilly know Irish guys are supposed to be fun-loving drunks? It's Stewart's people who are supposed to be all buzzkill. Oh, that's right, our way of life is being threatened every day. How dare we laugh at this time of crisis? I mean, what with a Democratic majority in Congress, a pinko commie in the White House - I'm not sure we're going to make it.

Guess which show I watch more often.

These times are troubled, these times are rough
There's more to come but you can't give up
Why don't you shake a tail for peace and love
Move it up one time
For love

- Sleater-Kinney, "Step Aside"

Posted by Joel at 10/18/2005 11:23:00 PM